At traditional gyms, you’re on your own. But, not at Koko.

At traditional gyms, you’re on your own. You have to figure out what exercises, how many sets & reps, what weight to use, and that’s just one day!

Koko’s individualized coaching approach and patented Smartraining System technology takes care of customizing a plan precisely to you, week-by-week, day-by-day and exercise-by-exercise — even guiding you on how fast or slow to raise and lower the weight on every rep!

At Koko, you receive coaching and guidance on every customized strength, functional and cardio workout, plus detailed nutritional guidance including online meal plans customized for your metabolism and goals.

What About Fitness Classes and Personal Trainers?

Fitness classes, spinning, and bootcamps are great for some, but they all take a group approach to fitness, with one workout and one coach served to many people at a time, and no personalization or 1:1 coaching. So you’re getting a one-size-fits-all plan without the customized, individual guidance you need for the best results… without injury.

Everyone is different. We all have unique goals. Different bodies. Different exercise histories.

Top athletes have teams of trainers to analyze these factors and design programs customized precisely to get the maximum results in the minimum amount of effort.

You may not be training for the Olympics, but with Koko’s technology, you can get the same level of effectiveness and efficiency. Unlike mainstream gyms and group training, we take an individualized approach to fitness, with customized workouts built for you and your goals, and 1:1 coaching every step of the way. At Koko, you’ll never have to go it alone.

We’re Here To Help

We’d love to customize a fat-burning, muscle-toning plan — nutrition AND exercise — designed to help you look and feel better in the shortest amount of time. Come visit our coaches and see what Koko FitClub can do for you.


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